Health crisis in Ghana’s fishing industry: Women face dangers from smoking fish

Ghana’s fishing industry serves as the lifeblood of its economy, offering livelihoods to two million people, equivalent to one in every 16 Ghanaians. Artisanal fishers, spanning from Aflao to Cape Three Points, contribute significantly by supplying eighty percent of the nation’s consumed fish. However, within this vital industry, experts highlight a particularly perilous aspect: the…

Breathing to death    

Stephen (not his real name) is a security officer with one of the utility companies in Accra. He grieves that his days are certainly numbered.  Understandably, a robber can terminate his life any day. But that is not the source of his anguish, it is the very air he breathes to keep his job.    …

Air Quality: Makola, Agbogbloshie among five polluted hotspots in Accra 

Results from improved air quality monitoring in Accra have revealed that Nima, Makola, Agbogbloshie, Chorkor and Madina Zongo Junction are the five most polluted hotspots in Accra.  These areas have recorded the most consistently poor-quality air standards over the period, with their sources mainly being soot from open waste burning and emissions from vehicles.   Professor Kofi Amegah, the Breathe…

Clean Air: Ghanaian MPs spearhead legislation to tackle rising pollution

Three MPs are leading an ambitious charge to address the escalating air pollution affecting the nation. With a private members bill in the works, they aim to elevate clean air as a fundamental human right amid Accra’s rapid urbanisation and the surge of pollution from various sectors including transport, industry, and agriculture. While government has…

Air Pollution – Enemy of Children, Elderly and the Vulnerable 

In Ghana, a growing menace lurks in the air, imperilling the most susceptible members of the population—children and the elderly. This silent and invisible adversary, air pollution, has raised alarms among health experts who urge both the government and citizens to take immediate action….