Eric Opa Doue Senior NN Correspondent

Eric Opa Doue contested the 2023 Legislative elections for a seat in River Cess County. Before that he was a senior reporter with New Narratives with his journalism appearing in FrontPage Africa, ELBC radio and other radio stations. He has been with New Narratives since 2017. Eric is a an experienced community radio journalist based in River Cess County. He is a newsroom leader with a passion for reporting on the impact of the extractive industry in rural Liberia and ensuring that citizens participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives.

Eric is the River Cess County correspondent for ELBC, the state broadcaster and to the Local Voices Liberia Media Network. He is the station manager for Efforts Radio in River Cess. Previously Eric was a regular contributor to Bush Chicken news outlet.

Eric has taken part in the Internews Health Journalism Fellowship, as well as training from the World Federation of Science Journalists and the Ghana Institute of Journalism.