Journalists with at least three years experience are invited to apply to join New Narratives as reporting fellows for one year projects on a range of topics including governance, democracy, human trafficking, gender-based violence, climate change, pollution, biodiversity and land rights. Funding is provided by Swedish International Development Assistance, the US State Department, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund and the American Jewish World Service.
Ten fellows will join New Narratives from August 1, 2022 for one year of intensive training in areas including security, investigative techniques, Solutions Journalism, explanatory journalism, trauma reporting, Media law and audio, video and photographic production. Fellows will be eligible for grants and mentoring for investigations. They will also be eligible to travel to cover international war crimes trials and attend the African Investigative Journalism Conference.
The first training workshop will be Thursday August 25th, Friday August 26th and Saturday August 27th and all participants will be expected to take part. The program is a major commitment – but it will also be a rewarding one.
We are looking for journalists who:
– Report for a national media outlet in Liberia – print, online, radio or television journalists are eligible – and have the support of their editor/management to fully participate in the program. (Management will be required to provide a letter of support to successful applicants.)
– Have at least 3 years of professional experience as a journalist.
– Have demonstrated a commitment to doing in-depth, people centered journalism in a fair and balanced manner with a view to keeping leaders accountable and providing honest information to Liberians.
Please note: journalists taking part in the program must report in an independent manner and must not take payment from any sources in the course of their reporting. The project will not tolerate the acceptance of such payment. Participants will be required to sign an agreement to this effect.
Application process:
Please complete this application form and paste your CV into the section provided at the end of this form. If you have any problems please email CV to Applicants without links to articles are invited to email story samples to the same address.
Deadline:July 31, 2022
Ten fellows will join New Narratives from August 1, 2022 for one year of intensive training in areas including security, investigative techniques, Solutions Journalism, explanatory journalism, trauma reporting, Media law and audio, video and photographic production. Fellows will be eligible for grants and mentoring for investigations. They will also be eligible to travel to cover international war crimes trials and attend the African Investigative Journalism Conference.
The first training workshop will be Thursday August 25th, Friday August 26th and Saturday August 27th and all participants will be expected to take part. The program is a major commitment – but it will also be a rewarding one.
We are looking for journalists who:
– Report for a national media outlet in Liberia – print, online, radio or television journalists are eligible – and have the support of their editor/management to fully participate in the program. (Management will be required to provide a letter of support to successful applicants.)
– Have at least 3 years of professional experience as a journalist.
– Have demonstrated a commitment to doing in-depth, people centered journalism in a fair and balanced manner with a view to keeping leaders accountable and providing honest information to Liberians.
Please note: journalists taking part in the program must report in an independent manner and must not take payment from any sources in the course of their reporting. The project will not tolerate the acceptance of such payment. Participants will be required to sign an agreement to this effect.
Application process:
Please complete this application form and paste your CV into the section provided at the end of the form. If you have any problems please email CV to Applicants without links to articles are invited to email story samples to the same addres.
Deadline:July 31, 2022