Call for Journalists to Report on Justice Issues in Sierra Leone

West Africa Justice Reporting Project – Seeking Justice

The Media and Information Bureau (MIB) in Sierra Leone is starting a new project with New Narratives, a non-governmental organisation that has been driving improvements in West African media for 9 years. The project supports journalists to cover justice issues. The project in Sierra Leone is part of a larger program taking place across West Africa.

The project will run from 2019-2020 and will feature training, mentoring and capacity building for journalists.

The project will focus on a range of justice issues including the Constitutional review, the TRC Report, courts, laws and the quest for justice. We will also consider treatment of the accused/convicted, courts, human rights, implementation of laws and how the laws affect the public. We will look at justice, detention and law enforcement reforms.

Call for applications

Journalists working in Sierra Leone are invited to apply to the West Africa Justice Reporting Project – Seeking Justice. Journalists taking part in the scheme will produce accurate, impartial and independent coverage of justice issues in Sierra Leone. Grants will be available within the project to help journalists cover stories. Journalists taking part in the program must report on justice issues in an independent manner and must not take payment from any sources in the course of their reporting.

The scheme is a major commitment – but it will also be a rewarding one.

We are looking for journalists who:

  • Report for a media outlets in Sierra Leone – print, online, radio or television journalists are eligible
  • Journalists who are members of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) or who are qualified to be members
  • Have at least 2 years of professional experience as a journalist
  • Are motivated to cover justice issues and how they impact other aspects of life in Sierra Leone in a fair and balanced manner
  • Women reporters are encouraged to apply.

Application process

Send a cover letter detailing why you want to take part in this scheme, as well as a CV and two writing samples or links to online work to

Application deadline: ASAP 2019

MIB Contact:

Stephen Douglas, 232 78508995

Mary Muloma Kamara, 232 79725506

For WhatsApp

West Africa Justice Reporting Project – Seeking Justice

Are you interested in doing some independent, balanced, investigative reporting on justice issues in Sierra Leone? Please take note. The Media and Information Bureau (MIB) is starting a small project to support journalists and stories involving the justice sector. The project is part of a larger project across West Africa and will feature training, mentoring and capacity building for journalists.

Journalists taking part in the programme must report on justice issues in an independent manner and must not take payment from any sources in the course of their reporting.

To apply – send a cover letter detailing why you want to take part in this project, as well as a CV and two writing samples or links to online work to Deadline for applications is Thursday 19 June 2019.

An info session will be held on Friday 14 June 2019, at 11a.m. along Old Railway Line. Call Stephen Douglas at (232) 78508995 for directions.