Lady Mai Hunter Alum

Lady Mai was chosen by the Liberia Broadcasting System, the country’s state radio, for a new project involving young people reporting on young people in 2008. She coordinated the International Children’s Day of Broadcasters before moving to the Liberia Women Democracy Radio at the start of 2010, the first and only radio station for women…

India’s Female Peacekeepers Inspire Liberian Girls

It is break time at the Victory Chapel School in Congo Town. Children dressed in their royal blue uniforms with bright yellow and white trim fight to get under the shade of the only mango tree in the yard. It is the start of the dry season and the scorching sun will soon be almost…

Chronic Malnutrition Blamed on Mothers

Mercy Freeman sits on a small hospital cot in one of Liberia’s emergency hospitals, looking down at her frail son, whose dark eye sockets have sunk into his bony face. “He just started getting thin and thin[ner]. I do not know what is happening, that is why I brought him to the hospital,” the 18-year-old…

Abandoned Wives: Men Reject Circumcised Women

A bitter and lonely woman, 42-year-old Kebbeh weeps as she relives the event that destroyed her life. “I was circumcised against my will,” says Kebbeh, sitting in front of her little hut in a remote area of Mount Barclay. “I used to live in Monrovia with my husband and two beautiful daughters. (But then) I…